
I. Organizer

  1. The “Quit to Win! Challenge” (hereinafter the “Contest”) is organized by Capsana Inc., a legally incorporated company having its head office at 6833 de l’Épée Avenue, Suite 201, Montreal, province of Quebec, H3N 2C7 (hereinafter “Capsana”).

II. Description of the Quit to Win! Challenge

  1. The Quit to Win! Challenge is a health promotion campaign intended for people who want to quit smoking or vaping. The campaign’s goal is to improve their quality of life and life expectancy by changing their habits.
  2. For participants, the challenge is to not smoke, that is, to not inhale tobacco smoke or use products containing tobacco, including, but not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, and pipes, or to not vape, for a minimum period of 6 weeks, from February 3 to March 16, 2025, inclusively.
  3. Persons duly registered for the Quit to Win! Challenge who satisfy the conditions set out in the present rules and regulations will have a chance to win a prize for their participation if they are still non-smokers or non-vapers at the time the winners are declared, on March 20, 2025, and, if applicable, until they have passed a screening test.
  4. Registration is free of charge and no purchase is necessary. All persons registered for the Quit to Win! Challenge may modify their registration form at any time up to February 3, 2025, inclusively, at

III. Eligibility

  1. This contest is open to Quebec residents only.
  2. To be eligible for the Quit to Win! Challenge and the prize draws, candidates must submit a registration form and be duly registered for the Challenge.
  3. To register for the Quit Smoking component, participants must be smokers as of December 16, 2024, that is:
    • have smoked at least 100 cigarettes in their lifetime and still smoke cigarettes daily or occasionally (at least once a week);
    • smoke a pipe, cigars, cigarillos, or consume other products containing tobacco daily or occasionally (at least once a week).
  4. To register for the Quit Vaping component, participants must be vapers as of December 16, 2024, that is:
    • have vaped a nicotine-based liquid at least 100 times in their lifetime, and still vape daily or occasionally (at least once a week).
  5. Registered participants must commit to not smoking or vaping from February 3 to March 16, 2025, inclusively.
    • More specifically for the Quit Smoking component: participants also pledge not to smoke or consume products containing tobacco during this same period. Tobacco-containing products include not only cigarettes, but also pipes, cigars, cigarillos, cannabis joints with tobacco, etc. Vaping (with or without nicotine) is not prohibited, since vaping does not include tobacco products.
    • More specifically for the Quit Vaping component: participants commit to not using any vaping device, regardless of what it contains (liquid with or without nicotine, cannabis, etc.) and pledge not to smoke or consume products containing tobacco during this same period. Tobacco-containing products include not only cigarettes, but also pipes, cigars, cigarillos, cannabis joints with tobacco, etc.
  6. Registered participants must commit to not smoking or vaping as specified in point 5 until the date on which the winners are announced (March 20, 2025) and, if applicable, until they have passed a screening test.
  7. Exclusion: A person cannot register for the Quit to Win! Challenge to stop using cannabis.
  8. Participation in this contest is prohibited for officers, directors, employees, partners, suppliers, representatives and agents of Capsana, its advertising and promotional agencies, as well as members of their immediate families and persons living in the same household.
  9. Capsana may at any time request proof of identity or eligibility from anyone participating in the Contest (the “Participant”). Failure to provide such proof within five (5) business days of such a request by Capsana may result in disqualification, at Capsana's sole discretion. All information provided to Capsana by the Participant must be true, accurate and complete. Capsana reserves the right to disqualify any Participant whose entry is received outside of the Contest Period (as defined below), or which contains false, fictitious, inaccurate or incomplete information.

IV. Registration

  1. Registration for the Quit to Win! Challenge is open from December 16, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. [EST] to February 3, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. [EST] (the “Contest Period”).
  2. Anyone interested in participating in the Quit to Win! Challenge must fill out and submit ONLY ONE registration form in electronic form on the Quit to Win! Challenge website at or register by phone by calling the I QUIT NOW helpline at 1-866-527-7383. All online registration forms must be submitted at the latest by February 3, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. [EST], the reception date and time considered to be the date and time of the submission of the form online. It is the Participant’s responsibility to ensure that the form is submitted on time. Telephone entries must be received no later than February 3, 2025 at 8:59 p.m. [EST]. If, due to computer problems, online registrations cannot be properly integrated into the Quit to Win! Challenge website by February 3, 2025, Capsana may decide to extend the registration period. If this is the case, a special note will appear on the home page of the Quit to Win! Challenge.
  3. It is the Participant’s responsibility to ensure that the form is submitted on time.
  4. Every participant will receive a registration confirmation (instantly if they registered on the website, and by email or mail if they registered by phone).
  5. By entering the Contest, the Participant accepts the present rules by checking a specific box, and agrees to be unconditionally bound by them.
  6. By submitting their registration form through the Quit to Win! Challenge website or by registering for the Challenge by phone, participants confirm the accuracy of their first name, year of birth, postal code and contact email address.
  7. By submitting their registration form through the Quit to Win! Challenge website or by registering for the Challenge by phone, participants agree to actively take part in the Quit to Win! Challenge, i.e., to stop using any tobacco or vaping products, depending on the choice they made between December 16, 2024 and February 3, 2025, inclusively, and not to smoke or vape from February 3 to March 16, 2025, inclusively.
  8. By submitting their registration form through the Quit to Win! Challenge website or by registering for the Challenge by phone, participants agree, if selected to win one of the prizes, not to smoke until the date on which the winners are announced (March 20, 2025) and, if applicable, until they have undergone a screening test.
  9. Participants will be invited to subscribe to the Quit to Win! Challenge newsletter or text by indicating this in a separate box; they will be able to unsubscribe at any time. Subscribing is not a requirement to enter the Contest.

V. Description of the Quit to Win! Challenge prizes

  1. Grand Prize – Participants aged 18 and over:
    • $5,000 cash prize.
  2. Secondary prize awarded by the Jean Coutu Group – Participants aged 12 and over:
    • A $250 Jean Coutu Group gift card.

VI. Awarding of prizes and draw

Prizes will be awarded as follows:

  1. The grand prize of $5,000 will be awarded by random draw from among all duly registered participants aged 18 and over, and the secondary prize offered by the Jean Coutu Group ($250 Jean Coutu gift card) will be awarded by random draw from among all duly registered participants aged 12 and over. Limit of one entry and one prize per person and per email address. Draws will take place on March 20, 2025 at 10 a.m. Potential winners will then be contacted by email or telephone on or after March 20, 2025, by members of the eligibility committee to answer a questionnaire designed to verify the Quit to Win! Challenge eligibility criteria listed in Section II of these rules.
  2. To be declared a winner and receive their prize, each potential winner must first demonstrate by their answers to the questionnaire that they have completed the Quit to Win! Challenge, specifically that they have not smoked or vaped during the 6 weeks of the Challenge, that is, from February 3 to March 16, 2025, inclusively, by informing the members of the eligibility committee of the steps taken. The potential winner will be taken at their word and presumed to be in good faith. Second, the potential winner will have to correctly answer, without assistance, within a given time, a skill-testing mathematical question asked over the phone at a time previously agreed to by the parties. Finally, the potential winner will have to pass a screening test in the form of a urine test or any other form of test deemed relevant, if the eligibility committee of the Quit to Win! Challenge so requests. Participants agree, if selected to win one of the prizes, not to smoke until the date on which the winners are announced (March 20, 2025) and, if applicable, until they have undergone a screening test.
  3. If a potential winner cannot be reached after two (2) days of attempts, at the rate of one (1) email per day, if there is no response or no call-back, the potential winner will not have the right to the prize. If applicable, the next potential winner on the list will be called. For whatever reason, no delay may go beyond 48 hours from the time of the first email. After this time, it will be impossible for the potential winner to claim the prize.
  4. After having reached the potential winners and having confirmed verbally with witnesses their eligibility for the Quit to Win! Challenge prizes, the members of the eligibility committee will provide the potential winners with an individual written declaration attesting to the fact that they respected the conditions set out in the present rules and regulations, as well as a waiver.
  5. This declaration must be read by potential winners. Potential winners must then sign a copy and return it by email to Capsana and/or sign the original declaration and return it by mail within five (5) business days following the call to confirm their eligibility. If the deadline is not respected, potential winners will be disqualified.
  6. If a potential winner does not fulfil the requirements of the present rules and regulations, they will be automatically disqualified, and the prize will be awarded to a new participant by random draw, according to the same eligibility criteria.
  7. Capsana is the initiator of the Quit to Win! Challenge and is solely responsible for the organization of the draws, which are conducted according to a rigorous process and supervised by a committee made up of an in-house team involved in the running of the Quit to Win! Challenge. This committee is known as the “Eligibility Committee.”
  8. The prizes must be accepted as awarded and described in the present rules and regulations for the Quit to Win! Challenge. They are not transferable and may not be replaced by other prizes, nor are they exchangeable, in whole or in part, for cash or other goods. Capsana reserves the right to substitute a prize of an equivalent value for a prize that cannot be awarded as described in the present rules and regulations.
  9. All costs not specifically described in the official contest rules and regulations are the responsibility of the winners.
  10. The odds of winning depend on the number of entries received during the contest period.

VII. Commitment of the winner

  1. The names of the winners and the results of the Quit to Win! Challenge will be posted on the website.
  2. A winner must consent, if required, and without compensation, to the use of the following personal information by Capsana of the Quit to Win! Challenge for communication or advertising purposes related to the Quit to Win! Challenge: name, city and region where they reside, and any statement related to winning the prize.

VIII. Authority and responsibilities

  1. Capsana has FINAL AUTHORITY to make judgments and decisions regarding the registration of participants and the assessment of the eligibility of potential winners of the Quit to Win! Challenge, as well as the awarding of prizes.
  2. By entering the contest, the Participant therefore consents to the use of the personal information indicated in Section VII above in the manner described in Section VII above and in accordance with Capsana's privacy policy available here.
  3. Except as a consequence of a failure on the part of Capsana or its representatives, Capsana, its employees and consultants as well as the partners and sponsors of the Quit to Win! Challenge CANNOT BE HELD LIABLE in the event of accident, loss or theft, or of any other problems or costs related, directly or indirectly, to the acquisition or use of a prize.
  4. Refusal to accept a prize or failure to claim it within the deadlines provided for in these rules and regulations releases Capsana from any obligation related to said prize, including its delivery.
  5. Except as a consequence of a failure on the part of Capsana or its representatives, Capsana and its agents are not liable for any technical, mechanical, IT, telephone, telecommunication, distribution or production errors, and reserves the right to cancel or withdraw the draw should such errors occur, without notice or obligation, at its sole discretion.
  6. Capsana is not liable for any damages caused to the user’s information technology system after participating in the contest or downloading information required to participate in the contest.
  7. By entering the Contest, participants: i) agree to hold harmless Capsana, its affiliates, as well as their respective suppliers, distributors, advertising or promotional agencies and each of their respective officers, directors, employees and agents (collectively, the “Released Parties”) from and against any and all claims or causes of action, including, but not limited to, damage to or destruction of property arising directly or indirectly from participation in the Contest, or receipt, use or misuse of the Prize, except as a consequence of a failure on the part of Capsana or its representatives; and ii) agree to fully compensate the Released Parties for any claims made by third parties as a result of the Participant’s participation in this Contest, including, but not limited to, those arising from the Participant’s fault.
  8. Except as a consequence of a failure on the part of Capsana or its representatives, the Released Parties will not be liable for: i) any incorrect or inaccurate information, whether caused by the Participant, printing errors, equipment or software programming associated with or used in the Contest; ii) technical problems of any kind, including, but not limited to, malfunction, interruptions or disconnections in telephone lines, electronic equipment or software; iii) unauthorized human intervention in any part of the entry process or the Contest; iv) technical or human errors that may occur in the administration of the Contest or the processing of entries; v) any damage to property that may be caused, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, by the Participant’s participation in the Contest or in connection with the receipt or use of the prize.

IX. Other provisions

  1. In the event of any inconsistency between the English and French versions of these rules, the French version shall prevail.